quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2020

Chamando os protagonistas de Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma em inglês e e...

Vídeo profissional e debatido sobre o quadrinista e a história em quadrinhos (no Brasil) ou banda desenhada (em Portugal e em Angola) / Professional and debated video about the comicker and the comics / Video profesional y debatido sobre el historietista y la historieta.

Os novos quadrinhos de Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma (seis gibis, um fanzine e outro gibi) vêm com força total / The new comics of Albert & Einstein and Their Gang (six comic books, one fanzine and other comic book) comes with total force / Las nuevas historietas de Albert & Einstein y su pandilla (seis tebeos, un fanzine y otro tebeo) vienen con fuerza total.

Aguardem pela segunda repostagem de As Novas Tirinhas, Charges e Cartuns de Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma, Volume 1, pela repostagem de As Novas Tirinhas, Charges e Cartuns de Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma e pelas postagens de As Novas Tirinhas, Charges e Cartuns de Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma, Volumes 3, 4 e 5, Albert & Einstein e Metarfos e Samambaia no Mundo Real, O Clube de Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma e As Tirinhas de Albert & Einstein e Sua Turma / Wait for the second repost of The New Comic Strips, Charges and Cartoons of Albert & Einstein and Their Gang, Volume 1, for the repost of The New Comic Strips, Charges and Cartoons of Albert & Einstein and Their Gang, Volume 2 and the posts of The New Comic Strips, Charges and Cartoons of Albert & Einstein and Their Gang, Volumes 3, 4 and 5, Albert & Einstein and Metarfos and Samambaia in the Real World, The Club of Albert & Einstein and Their Gang and The Comic Strips of Albert & Einstein and Their Gang / Aguarden por el segundo repostaje de Las nuevas tiras de prensa, charges y cartones de Albert & Einstein y su pandilla, volume 1, el repostaje de Las nuevas tiras de prensa, charges y cartones de Albert & Einstein y su pandilla, volume 2 y los postajes de Las nuevas tiras de prensa, charges e cartones de Albert & Einstein y su pandilla, volúmenes 3, 4 y 5, Albert & Einstein y Metarfos y Samambaia en el mundo real, El club de Albert & Einstein y su pandilla y Las tiras de prensa de Albert & Einstein y su pandilla.

Protagonistas: Albert & Einstein, Cuca, o Detetive, Cátia, a Fantasma, Metarfos e Samambaia e o Palhaço Palhoça / Protagonists: Albert & Einstein, Clever, the Detective, Kate, the Phantasm, Metarfos and Samambaia and the Clumsy Clown / Protagonistas: Albert & Einstein, Cuca, el Detective, Catia, la Fantasma, Metarfos y Samambaia y el Payaso Patazo.

Os nomes em inglês e em espanhol / The names in English and in Spanish / Los nombres en inglés y en español.

Álbuns do Facebook e do Google Fotos / Facebook and Google Photos albums / Álbumes de Facebook y de Google Fotos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/saviochristidivulgacao/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2539626969389375 & https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipM8YtBNsW85GvZwYct27zTYwJba3dM4uxFuBybZ.

Lista de reprodução do YouTube / YouTube playlist / Lista de reproducción de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT9aUPe9kAt9OuVJHA6-AwVstjlvZUEng.

Obras listadas no Blogger / Works listed in Blogger / Obras listadas en Blogger: 

Meus blogs, minhas páginas, meus grupos, meu Twitter, meu Instagram e meu LinkedIn / My blogs, my pages, my groups, my Twitter, my Instagram and my LinkedIn / Mis blogs, mis páginas, mi grupo, mi Twitter, mi Instagram y mi LinkedIn: https://saviochristi.tumblr.com, https://saviochristi1.blogspot.com, https://saviochristi2.blogspot.com, https://saviochristi3.blogspot.com, https://saviochristi4.blogspot.com, https://saviochristi5.blogspot.com, https://saviochristi1.wordpress.com, https://www.medium.com/@saviochristi, https://www.facebook.com/saviochristidivulgacao, https://www.facebook.com/saviochristiconfusoesconjuntas, https://www.facebook.com/groups/caixaludica, https://www.facebook.com/groups/anosluz, https://www.facebook.com/groups/duasmaravilhosas, https://www.facebook.com/groups/mundojapones, https://www.facebook.com/groups/desenhosdoes, https://www.twitter.com/saviochristi, https://www.instagram.com/saviochristi & https://www.linkedin.com/in/saviochristi1.

Meu DeviantArt / My DeviantArt / Mi DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/saviochristi.

Meu ArtStation, meu Behance e meu Flickr / My ArtStation, my Behance and my Flickr / Mi ArtStation, mi Behance y mi Flickr: https://www.artstation.com/saviochristi, https://www.behance.net/saviochristi & https://www.flickr.com/photos/saviochristi.

Meu Wattpad / My Wattpad / Mi Wattpad: https://wattpad.com/user/saviochristi1.

Meu Catarse / My Catarse / Mi Catarse: https://www.catarse.me/users/765279-savio-christi.

Meu iFlog / My iFlog / Mi iFlog: https://www.iflog.co/saviochristi.

E meu e-mail para contato / And my email for contact / Y mi correo electrónico para contacto: saviochristi@outlook.com.

Revisão de texto / Text revision / Revisión de texto: Sávio Christi (eu mesmo / myself / yo mismo).

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